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Santa Coupon...Congratulations to Ethan Curtis, our Santa Coupon winner!! There were 35 participants! Thank you to all who participated!
Christmas Get Together...Our Chamber Business Member Annual Christmas Get Together was well attended and a lot of fun! Sandra Mathis, our Gift Certificate winner, was so kind and generous to donate the certificate to the Wilbur Food Pantry....what a wonderful Christmas present for them! Watch for details about our spring get together to be hosted by Inland Cellular. Thank you to all who attended and made this event a success!
Our annual Festival of Lights was very well attended and fun was had by all....even Santa! Check out the photos of our spectacular Christmas Lights in the Park!
The judges for the Wilbur Christmas Lighting Contest have made their selections of the winners for this year. They found it difficult to make their choices due to so many outstanding Christmas decorations and lights. “We appreciate all the obvious effort and dedication that goes into decorating during cold weather and helping our town look joyous and beautiful,” says one judge.
Here are the awards (photos below in list order):
Best Porch Appeal - Casey and Jessica Haden
Most Kid Friendly – aka countdown to Christmas house!: Kruse Family
Best Overall Décor – The Griswold Award: Chris Neilsen
Best Landscape – aka Love the Layout!: Bev and Dan Camp
Honorable Mention – Best Unique Feature: Santa’s Band at Theron and Penny Lewis’s house
The Traveling plaque remains with Country Lane RV Park for their display to the west of town. A special mention for Business Window Display goes to American Family Insurance.
A huge thank you to everyone who completed the recent Chamber Survey! The winner of the drawing from survey respondents for tickets to the annual Chamber Banquet is Billy Burgers Drive In....congratulations!!
Strong Businesses Build Strong Communities!
We strive to serve, lead and be the voice of our members by assisting in creating a united community, vibrant business environment and quality of life in the Wilbur Community.
Founded in 1914, the Wilbur Chamber of Commerce was created to maintain a strong image and reputation for all our members, our community, our elected officials and our partners. Our members have the opportunity to promote their business through events, marketing, exposure, and networking.
We offer a variety of events to meet the needs of our members, including networking events, community events and a wide array of marketing opportunities. We meet the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Meetings start at noon and are on a quarterly rotation for location. Meetings are open to the public.
We love our Community, so feel free to attend any of our meetings!
Be sure to join us for our annual Banquet and Installation of Officers, January 23rd, Wilbur Community Center - click here for more details.
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